Repairs of parts
Repairs of parts for rail wagons
Our company provides repairs of parts for revision repairs of rail wagons and also as a special service for our customers. These are mainly repairs of wheel sets, boggies, brake systems, buffers and brake bars.

Wheel sets
The most significant area of repairs is the repair of wheel sets. We provide reapirs of wheel sets for the wagons which we repair in our workshop and also repairs of wheel sets for our customers. Our tool shop can offer the complete repair of the wheel set for personal and cargo wagons including lathing of the profil S1002, repairs of bearing housings, pressing of new wheels and brakes discs, dynamic balance of wheel sets. Like a special service we´re able to lathe the pin of the axle, which has some surface defects
We have certification for:
- KVs5-B-2010 – D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5
- VPI – IS0, IL, IS1, IS2, IS3, 3L
- SÚNV – N8
Brake system
In this area we can offer the repairs of pneumatic brake DAKO, brake connectors, brake cocks AKH, Stopexis and SAB stopexis. The brake systems DAKO are checked on the system HAKAN including electronic record after the repair, which guarentees fullfilment of conditions according to UIC543.

Brake bars, buffers
We´re able to offer repairs of parts like springs, screw connections, buffers…etc.. The right function of the buffers is tested on the test bench with electronic record. We can also offer spare parts for different types of buffers.